March has been both inspirational and transformational here at Alter EGO! Check out a few of our favorite transformations from March! #findyouralterego #transformationtuesday
At Alter EGO we love walk-ins and this awesome client walked in the door ready for something new and edgy! After talking pixies with Alli Carter, Dana decided to go for the chop and donated 12" of hair to Locks of Love! She ended up with a super cute asymmetrical pixie designed and cut by Alli. Dana loved her new 'do, saying, "It's exactly what I pictured in my head, but wasn't sure how to explain it." Alli's just awesome like that.
The lovely Claire came to Alter EGO with faded out (*whispers* box-dyed) black hair, and after spending some quality time with Elizabeth, magically transformed into a gorgeous dark redhead! Claire's transformation is a perfect example of the several step process a big change can be. Changing your hair color is not always as simple as covering up one color with another--in order to correct Claire's color and achieve dimensional results, Elizabeth utilized a multi-step process of lightening her current color, giving her a darker base color at the root, then lowlighting and overall color application, finished with a glaze. Ultimately, Claire walked away with a chocolatey wine color that suited her perfectly!
One last look at the final result of Claire's color correction by Elizabeth Croft.
Coming soon... Alli & Meghann's journey to become Beth Minardi educators!